Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Alarums and Excursions
On my way to Uni this morning, via the shortest possible route through the Crown Court grounds and I came face to face with two armed (to the teeth) policemen. Noticed another five round the corner, lurking furtively (which I suppose is what they are supposed to do!). Quickened my pace because I was pulling my new shopping trolley (Warhol's Marilyn 18 inches diameter on the front) ( or is it the back?) and I did not want to be mistaken for a well-disguised terrorist. Would a terrorist pull a Marolyn Monroe trolley as good cover? Would it carry the weight of semtex? These are the questions that I need Horatio to answer. Was particularly keen not to be searched, as said trolley contained a pair of clogs and a skull. For drawing practice. Called The Man when I arrived in the Gateway Studio and asked him to use his contacts in the underworld / legal profession to find out which trial was being protected so heavily. No sooner had I arrived, than the fire alarm went off. Troop downstairs, wait in cold, troop back upstairs again, thank lucky stars am on second and not seventh floor. Went to CAD class in neighbouring building, two hours later set off back to studio, to find occupants of Gateway strewn all over the road. Second fire alarm, but this time not a drill. Allowed back in, so collected Marilyn, left the skull, and headed back to the station. Only two armed officers visible this time, though did detect some rustling in the bushes. "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now" may be OK for Led Zep, but these are different times. Decided to be brave and asked one of them what they were guarding so assiduously. He told me the court number, but not the case, and said it would all be in the Leicester Mercury soon enough. I then felt emboldened to ask about his machine gun. A Heckler & Koch G36 assault rifle apparently. Scary looking piece of kit. I have never been that close to a 'modern' weapon. Did not ask to take his picture. The Boy has borrowed my camera for his history trip to Germany / Poland. Probably wouldn't have asked anyway!
Monday, October 08, 2007
"She got legs, and she knows how to use 'em"
Saturday was truly a frabjous day! England won, and I got my legs. The two events almost coincided, as I was in IKEA when The Man sent the text to tell me the rugby news. I almost wished I had stayed to watch, but had been so sure of an Aussie thrashfest that I did not dare. Oh me of little faith. Had large (and rather loony) grin on face for the remainder of my trip round Swedish designerland, Birmingham. Rather out of kilter with all the other shoppers. And I was travelling counter to the crowds.
And did not care.
Best of all, I put the legs together yesterday afternoon, so have a slanting worktable like a real designer .
So, as promised, dear reader, some photos of my new studio. The only problem is that I no longer have any excuse for not doing some work. I have a list for today:
Oil Monoprint
Ink and Wash drawing
Stitch draw
Photocollage and stitch
Background collage
Make bread (for harvest supper, not project)
Has anyone else noticed that the posting time on blog posts bears no relation to any temporal time zone, Greenwich or otherwise? Either Google time exists in a parallel universe, or all their clocks are wrong.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
This phrase (from a 70s sit-com) sums me up perfectly! I have just finished the first week back at Uni, and am so tired!! I slept until 11.00 today (after The Man got up and went to Men's breakfast / walk at 7) I wore my funky boots on Tuesday and they gave me blisters, which made me walk strangely for the rest of the week whatever footwear I adopted. I realised, even in my dopey state that the wearing of slippers, although uber-comfy, might cause alarm and despondency among my fellow travellers / students / passers by / CIA satellites. We are going to be so busy this year, my head hurts already. But the new second years seem cool, and the old third years were as pleased to see me as I was to see them. I had become a bit of a recluse in the last months, apart from when good friends dragged me out by the hair, so it will be good to be resocialized. If I can strike a balance between comfort and 'not actually hideous' to quote Antique Mommy. I am one of those too. Although The Boy looks more like The Man than the cute darling he used to be, the one who designed the cartoon above.
The Man has just returned from cooked breakfast and energetic walk, and I am still in my PJs. Shock! Horror! He is getting me more tea. And lunch by the sound of it. He is a star.
It is England v Australia this afternoon. Too stressful. I shall go to IKEA and buy new legs.
Not for me. For the worktable in the studio. So I can work standing up instead of lying down. And then post photos of the finished studio.
It will happen.
I promise.
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