Sunday, November 04, 2007

Web Weirdness

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Milady the Right Reverend Louise the Potential of New Invention
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

How apposite is this? I need a tiara. One like Cate Blanchett was wearing in 'Elizabeth - The Golden Age' which I saw last night. Interesting film, if a bit LOTR towards the end. And geographically rather off. Loud guffaws from The Man and I as a Scottish castle (Urquart on Loch Ness, I think, with mountains) was captioned as Fotheringhay (which is in England, by a river, nearest mountain 200 miles away!) The joys of artistic licence. Great costumes tho', and Clive Owen can bring me potatoes anytime...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Alarums and Excursions

On my way to Uni this morning, via the shortest possible route through the Crown Court grounds and I came face to face with two armed (to the teeth) policemen. Noticed another five round the corner, lurking furtively (which I suppose is what they are supposed to do!). Quickened my pace because I was pulling my new shopping trolley (Warhol's Marilyn 18 inches diameter on the front) ( or is it the back?) and I did not want to be mistaken for a well-disguised terrorist. Would a terrorist pull a Marolyn Monroe trolley as good cover? Would it carry the weight of semtex? These are the questions that I need Horatio to answer. Was particularly keen not to be searched, as said trolley contained a pair of clogs and a skull. For drawing practice. Called The Man when I arrived in the Gateway Studio and asked him to use his contacts in the underworld / legal profession to find out which trial was being protected so heavily. No sooner had I arrived, than the fire alarm went off. Troop downstairs, wait in cold, troop back upstairs again, thank lucky stars am on second and not seventh floor. Went to CAD class in neighbouring building, two hours later set off back to studio, to find occupants of Gateway strewn all over the road. Second fire alarm, but this time not a drill. Allowed back in, so collected Marilyn, left the skull, and headed back to the station. Only two armed officers visible this time, though did detect some rustling in the bushes. "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now" may be OK for Led Zep, but these are different times. Decided to be brave and asked one of them what they were guarding so assiduously. He told me the court number, but not the case, and said it would all be in the Leicester Mercury soon enough. I then felt emboldened to ask about his machine gun. A Heckler & Koch G36 assault rifle apparently. Scary looking piece of kit. I have never been that close to a 'modern' weapon. Did not ask to take his picture. The Boy has borrowed my camera for his history trip to Germany / Poland. Probably wouldn't have asked anyway!

Monday, October 08, 2007

"She got legs, and she knows how to use 'em"

Saturday was truly a frabjous day! England won, and I got my legs. The two events almost coincided, as I was in IKEA when The Man sent the text to tell me the rugby news. I almost wished I had stayed to watch, but had been so sure of an Aussie thrashfest that I did not dare. Oh me of little faith. Had large (and rather loony) grin on face for the remainder of my trip round Swedish designerland, Birmingham. Rather out of kilter with all the other shoppers. And I was travelling counter to the crowds.
And did not care.
Best of all, I put the legs together yesterday afternoon, so have a slanting worktable like a real designer .
So, as promised, dear reader, some photos of my new studio. The only problem is that I no longer have any excuse for not doing some work. I have a list for today:
Oil Monoprint
Ink and Wash drawing
Stitch draw
Photocollage and stitch
Background collage
Make bread (for harvest supper, not project)

Has anyone else noticed that the posting time on blog posts bears no relation to any temporal time zone, Greenwich or otherwise? Either Google time exists in a parallel universe, or all their clocks are wrong.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


This phrase (from a 70s sit-com) sums me up perfectly! I have just finished the first week back at Uni, and am so tired!! I slept until 11.00 today (after The Man got up and went to Men's breakfast / walk at 7) I wore my funky boots on Tuesday and they gave me blisters, which made me walk strangely for the rest of the week whatever footwear I adopted. I realised, even in my dopey state that the wearing of slippers, although uber-comfy, might cause alarm and despondency among my fellow travellers / students / passers by / CIA satellites. We are going to be so busy this year, my head hurts already. But the new second years seem cool, and the old third years were as pleased to see me as I was to see them. I had become a bit of a recluse in the last months, apart from when good friends dragged me out by the hair, so it will be good to be resocialized. If I can strike a balance between comfort and 'not actually hideous' to quote Antique Mommy. I am one of those too. Although The Boy looks more like The Man than the cute darling he used to be, the one who designed the cartoon above.
The Man has just returned from cooked breakfast and energetic walk, and I am still in my PJs. Shock! Horror! He is getting me more tea. And lunch by the sound of it. He is a star.
It is England v Australia this afternoon. Too stressful. I shall go to IKEA and buy new legs.
Not for me. For the worktable in the studio. So I can work standing up instead of lying down. And then post photos of the finished studio.
It will happen.
I promise.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Random Treasure

You must watch this all through!

Thanks Linds!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Line Out, Run and Scrum Down!

Some pictures from the match. It was a really good one, and ended in a 7:7 draw. a try and a conversion each. The Boy was in white shorts, having lost his blue ones. The Man remarked on the cleanliness of his boots, and we realized that clean=new that morning. I did not shriek on the touchline (unlike some!!!) and we all went for hot choc afterwards. Good Day.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Huge Mouthfuls

I was going to post a photo of the most delicious doughnut ever, but, alas gentle reader, I ate it. You do not need to see a photo of the empty bag, it might incite terrible feelings of jealousy and rage. My dear friend introduced me to Krispy Kreme yesterday; actually it was the first time for both of us, she was acting on information received from her daughter. Daughter was not wrong! It was an Apple Crumble Dessert Donut, and it was heaven in a bag. I meant to only eat half, and donate the second half to The Man, but I ate it all, and I AM NOT ASHAMED. He did have one of his own; and a bag of fudge; and a banana. At least I only had one donut. I have been up and down the ladder 10 times already as penance. And will only eat yoghurt today.
We are going to see The Boy play rugby at Rugby tomorrow. On 'The Close' where the game began. ' "Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay" she chortled in her joy'. About seeing The Boy, not the rugby!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Big Mouthfuls

Despite mega help from friend and son-of-friend, S2B still seems a long way from finished. I fear that I have bitten off more than I can chew in the time available. Disappointment on the work table front because I*** had the table top but not the legs (and the ones I hoped would do instead WON'T, snarl), so I won't have a table to work at until next week at the earliest. And there are boxes everywhere. I have a shameful amount of stuff. I have made about forty trips up and down the ladder, more or less laden, so my thigh muscles (adductors, abductors?) are sore. Will I become Miss Universe in time? The upshot is that there is a long way to go, and I feel very bad about the times I spent watching CSI instead of wielding a screwdriver to assemble drawers, or painting, or stitching, or drawing. College starts back on Oct 1st and THERE IS STILL NO SKETCHBOOK.
So I have posted a cheering picture. Because one thing I have learnt in the last turbulent year is that worrying about little things is simply too much effort, not to mention utterly pointless. What is important is to raise ones eyes from the problem and look at the good things that surround one. Like freesias. And sunsets. And lovely pebbles. And doughnuts. Only to look at of course!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Words from my Father

Discumknockerpooperated = tired
Discumknockershatterpooperated = extremely tired
I am somewhere between the two after marathon paint session. Now have to remove paint from hands before heading to a manicure. Am I bonkers? This made me laugh....

It's Friday and the Studio is still not finished

The picture is an early evening shot across the bay. You do not want to see another photo of S2B. As a shortcut, just look at the earlier pictures of S2B and mentally move everything a foot to the left. And add white to the locker. This is as far as I have got. I do not know where the time goes! I start back on Oct 1st, and I should have an A3 sketchbook full of work (a pristine empty one will not cut it). I cannot concentrate on that sort of work while everything in the workspace is umptydoodleum (one of my Dad's fantastic made up words). I have now acquired a laundry hamper to store fabrics in (which entailed drive to Essex, so that's one day accounted for) and some new paints and yummy papers. I am determined not to use the kitchen any more (scrubbing acrylic paint off Corian worktops is a stinker) so today is the day I finish painting the furniture and tomorrow we move stuff. The Man has promised to assist between rugby matches. If he is not in the depths of grief. England play South Africa tonight. Oh dear. They may hold the championship but they are not playing well. I do not know much, but I am told so. I only watch bits of matches since the time I had to be physically restrained from getting on a plane to give the team 'what for' after a spectacularly bad performance. It is too stressful and brings out the worst in me. I may get the chance to see The Boy in action soon as he has been in trials for one of the school teams, he scored a try, so may be selected for U16 squad. He is not the sportiest of individuals so is a real achievement. His school is where the game was invented, but they do not always win. Which is healthy. What a long post, and about a subject that was not where I started. I shall go and paint (white) but chant the names of lovely paints for inspiration. Quinacridone Crimson; Nickel Azo Gold; Interference Red; Transparent Iron Oxide; Burnt Umber. And my very favourite. Viridian. Viridian. Viridian.
Go for it Green Girl.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

re: No. 8 on the gratitude list

You’re my servant, serving on my side.
I’ve picked you. I haven’t dropped you.
Don’t panic. I’m with you.
There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.
I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you.
I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.

Isaiah 41:9-10 The Message
(The painting '41910' is one of mine. Please do not copy without permission.)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


My dear friend Linds has alerted me to the Morning Glory / Lei / Woman to Woman 'challenge' to find 11 reasons for gratitude, so here goes.
1. Salvation - God loves me, Jesus died for me, the Holy Spirit lives in me. Woohoo!
2. I am alive and well.
3. September 11th is primarily my mum's birthday.
4. I have a gorgeous and wonderful son: 'the best boy in the world'.
5. The sun is shining.
6. I have a home and enough to eat.
7. I have some fiercely loyal and wonderful friends.
8. I am safe in God's hands
9. I am loved.
10. There is always hope.
11. I am learning to enjoy being me.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Foolishness of God

Just a quick post to share this fantastic song with you. Saw it on Songs of Praise last night. Sung in front of the Graham Sutherland tapestry in Coventry Cathedral. Then found this video interpretation on youtube. Hope the link works. The song is 'A Crucified Man' by Graham Kendrick. Goosebumps. And the urge to dance. Not in public. Yet.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Dyeing Fall

Sorry for the dreadful pun. Some lovely new yarn arrived yesterday. Really fine (28/2) worsted and 20/2 cotton / linen mix. About 3000 metres of each. Joy and jubilation. Now I can dye and make my own colour blends of multiple strands. Should be able to get some lovely effects that way. I tidied up the dyeing room (aka The Scullery) yesterday too, so I KNOW WHERE EVERYTHING IS. Have a bid in on ebay for a yummy laundry hamper, so am about to tie my head up in a duster like Miss Moppet in the Beatrix Potter book and go paint that table. And the window frame. And the old Police locker which you can just see on the RHS of the photo of S2B. No supper for The Man tonight. Took some work to an exhibition last night. Hoping for sales and good feedback. And The Boy is fine. So am I.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

O Me Miserum

The Boy goes back to school today (not by camel), so we are sewing name labels. We? I mean me! We (and I do mean we) made a chocolate cake for his tuck box, to go with the pile of sweeties.... He is sorting stuff to take back. We usually manage to fill the LandRover. Last summer break up we had three of us and all his stuff in Mum's little car. Tight Fit!!! I shall miss him like crazy.

Monday, September 03, 2007

TANFA's Log Supplemental

Does this happen to you too? I was in church yesterday, listening to the bible reading, and an idea for a whole piece just dropped in to my head. Before that, I had some moments of complete clarity as to how to overcome blockages on another couple of ideas. Whoo! Perhaps I need to start taking a sketchbook to worship. Perhaps God is trying to tell me something about future direction? If you don't know about TANFA, look at my website

S2B (or not 2B)

Two views of the studio to be. You will observe, gentle reader, that there is much to be moved out (or down, as it is a loft space). Drum kit (Boy's, not mine - he is going to have my former sewing room as a drum space), assorted crates (Church stuff), sailing stuff and redundant games items. The floor and ceiling are good (thanks Dad) and Dad is also going to build a 'companionway' ladder to replace the metal loft one. He is a star. But I will have to move stuff to other places and into the new studio in time. First I have to clear the lower garage as a staging post. All this explains the 'not to be' of the title because I need to do some 'real' work (i.e. design stuff for uni / commissions / projects) and ought not to be distracted by rooms for too long. Plus, you should see the cobwebs that are hanging round the house.... There was a HUGE spider in the utility sink yesterday. I could see it was so, EVEN WITHOUT MY GLASSES. I think the Pterodactyl must have sent it. Maybe I will go and make a mug of tea....

Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Road to Emmaus

Having decided (sorry Linds!) to go for the eclectic white look and lain awake until 2.30 thinking about where to start, the Man and I went to 'Emmaus' to look for stuff (and to take some excess stuff too, oh Good Girl). It is a great source of vintage stuff and I remembered seeing a formica topped 50's table when I visited last. And they do great cake. No 50's table but did find a solid wood one (see pic) and some vintage rose fabric (see other pic). The table is really sturdy and will do for 'messy play' in the short term, and (when painted) as a sewing machine table. I think I need to take some photos of the S2B (studio to be) so that you, gentle reader, can spur me on in my efforts....

Friday, August 31, 2007

A Dilemma or Three

The picture is of 'Teasels' a small Tapestry / Embroidery hanging which is going in to the show next weekend
1. Having started this up again, I realise that A Jura Journal is not coming from Jura! Should I start a new 'Barton Blog' and swap between the two?
2. Having made the decision to convert the garage loft into a proper studio raises more decisions. Go retro / reclaimed and paint everything white? Have proper custom shelves etc? Other people's studios ( I have a fab book) look great all retro, but mine might look a hotch-potch... Is it too anal to want things to match and to have a place custom made for everything? Free standing stuff is more flexible and better if we do move to the island within the next few years...
3. How much stuff should I get rid of? I am a terrible hoarder on the principle that 'It might be useful/ I might need it again one day. Should I be ruthless? all the dressmaking stuff could go, but what if.....
All this is just putting off some real design work..... And making an anniversary card for Man..... And doing post-holiday washing

Promised Photos 3

Boy paddling across Lowlandman's Bay; Boy and Man idling on a tropical beach!

Promised Photos 2

Two more from the stash; 'our' lighthouse (Skervuile) and me in the canoe last summer having moored the rib after the first voyage.

Promised Photos 1

These show The Man creating a Pterodactyl trap, and the intrepid canoe "Better Drowned" whose name is not macabre if you have read Swallows and Amazons....
The third is of Boy and Man trying to fix the boat steering.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Trains and Boats and Planes

Shockingly long time since last blog - apologies to those of you who have gone purple with bated breath! Returned yesterday from a very short summer visit to Jura. Frustratingly so, because there was so much that we wanted to achieve and failed to. Intention was to fix the '3Bs' - Boat, Broadband and Boiler. We succeeded on the Boiler (or at least the lovely plumber from Islay did) so had heating again by the end of the week. And an unblocked chimney. To see two men skipping up the crow step gables three storeys up was quite something. Found a pterodactyl nest blocking the chimney, making the boiler go out. Looked big enough for a pterodactyl anyway! Failed on the Broadband (apparently you have to capture a BT engineer and hold him to ransom until the office in India agree to send him(?!) and then they twiggle some wires and hey presto. Ha! I say again HA! We need broadband so that James can work up there and therefore be there more. But until we are there more we cannot capture Broadband Bill. Talk about Catch 22. Perhaps we should tame the pterodactyl? Dial up also beastly slow (ironically I think because so many people have got broadband now, the dial up line has slowed to a crawl) Could paint pictures faster than can download 'em. The Boat is the biggest worry 'cos the steering has seized completely. We have had to leave it with Colin to lift the engine off and free the bar. No use from the boat this year. Mega Chiz. Although we did canoe to Cow Pat bay on a blazing day. The photos are positively tropical (and will be posted, I promise, I just need to do the next post from the lap top where most of the photos live) Enough for now; must get back in the blog habit. Has been a very weird year, largely unbloggable.