Saturday, October 06, 2007


This phrase (from a 70s sit-com) sums me up perfectly! I have just finished the first week back at Uni, and am so tired!! I slept until 11.00 today (after The Man got up and went to Men's breakfast / walk at 7) I wore my funky boots on Tuesday and they gave me blisters, which made me walk strangely for the rest of the week whatever footwear I adopted. I realised, even in my dopey state that the wearing of slippers, although uber-comfy, might cause alarm and despondency among my fellow travellers / students / passers by / CIA satellites. We are going to be so busy this year, my head hurts already. But the new second years seem cool, and the old third years were as pleased to see me as I was to see them. I had become a bit of a recluse in the last months, apart from when good friends dragged me out by the hair, so it will be good to be resocialized. If I can strike a balance between comfort and 'not actually hideous' to quote Antique Mommy. I am one of those too. Although The Boy looks more like The Man than the cute darling he used to be, the one who designed the cartoon above.
The Man has just returned from cooked breakfast and energetic walk, and I am still in my PJs. Shock! Horror! He is getting me more tea. And lunch by the sound of it. He is a star.
It is England v Australia this afternoon. Too stressful. I shall go to IKEA and buy new legs.
Not for me. For the worktable in the studio. So I can work standing up instead of lying down. And then post photos of the finished studio.
It will happen.
I promise.


Linds said...

I feel that slippers (or Pantoffels, as we say in Afrikaans...not that I remember much) would be a fine fashion statement. Could start a new trend. And as I am the dragging out by the hair friend, I am free to make any comments I want!

Linds said...


LouLou@theLoom said...

Oops! England won. Text from The Man to inform me of same arrived in the middle of leg hunt. Cue wide grin round rest of store. Even wider when found legs. Truly a frabjous day!