Friday, September 14, 2007

It's Friday and the Studio is still not finished

The picture is an early evening shot across the bay. You do not want to see another photo of S2B. As a shortcut, just look at the earlier pictures of S2B and mentally move everything a foot to the left. And add white to the locker. This is as far as I have got. I do not know where the time goes! I start back on Oct 1st, and I should have an A3 sketchbook full of work (a pristine empty one will not cut it). I cannot concentrate on that sort of work while everything in the workspace is umptydoodleum (one of my Dad's fantastic made up words). I have now acquired a laundry hamper to store fabrics in (which entailed drive to Essex, so that's one day accounted for) and some new paints and yummy papers. I am determined not to use the kitchen any more (scrubbing acrylic paint off Corian worktops is a stinker) so today is the day I finish painting the furniture and tomorrow we move stuff. The Man has promised to assist between rugby matches. If he is not in the depths of grief. England play South Africa tonight. Oh dear. They may hold the championship but they are not playing well. I do not know much, but I am told so. I only watch bits of matches since the time I had to be physically restrained from getting on a plane to give the team 'what for' after a spectacularly bad performance. It is too stressful and brings out the worst in me. I may get the chance to see The Boy in action soon as he has been in trials for one of the school teams, he scored a try, so may be selected for U16 squad. He is not the sportiest of individuals so is a real achievement. His school is where the game was invented, but they do not always win. Which is healthy. What a long post, and about a subject that was not where I started. I shall go and paint (white) but chant the names of lovely paints for inspiration. Quinacridone Crimson; Nickel Azo Gold; Interference Red; Transparent Iron Oxide; Burnt Umber. And my very favourite. Viridian. Viridian. Viridian.
Go for it Green Girl.

1 comment:

Linds said...

I quite agree. Go for it.
And I am afflicted with the same sort of rage when the national team play like bananas. My vocal support is legendary. And reason why my children decline my offers of rugby outings.